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Dominant Mineral

Balancing sway minerals is essential for gender swaying. However, to sway responsibly, it’s important to stay within healthy limits for all four key minerals—calcium, magnesium, potassium, and sodium. That’s why we provide the Dominant Mineral information, helping you make informed choices while maintaining a balanced and healthy diet.

How It Works

Each food contains different amounts of sway minerals. The Dominant Mineral identifies which mineral is present in the highest proportion compared to the other three minerals.

  • The higher the percentage, the more dominant that mineral is in relation to the others.

  • The lower the percentage, the more evenly distributed the mineral content.


Being aware of dominant minerals is particularly important when following a boy-swaying diet, as foods high in sodium should be balanced carefully to avoid excessive intake.

How to Use the Dominant Mineral for Your Sway Goal


For a Girl Sway:

  • Focus on pink-coded foods with both magnesium and calcium as dominant minerals to ensure their levels remain high.

  • Don’t forget to include foods that provide a minimum level of potassium and sodium, as they are still essential for overall health.


For a Boy Sway:

  • Prioritize blue-coded foods that are rich in potassium and sodium to support your goal.

  • Be mindful not to rely too much on sodium-dominant foods, as excessive intake can have negative health effects.

  • Ensure you’re still getting a minimum intake of magnesium and calcium to maintain balance and well-being.

Staying Within Healthy Limits

While adjusting your diet for swaying, it's important to stay within general health guidelines. The World Health Organization (WHO) recommends the following daily intake levels for a balanced, non-gender-swaying diet:

  • Magnesium: 310–320 mg for women

  • Calcium: ~1,000 mg

  • Potassium: 2,500–3,500 mg

  • Sodium: <2,000 mg


Keeping within these limits helps you maintain overall health while following your swaying goals.

Expert Guidance for Your Sway Goal

We follow the trusted recommendations of Prof. Dr. Wilfried Feichtinger, a leading expert in diet-based gender swaying. His guidelines provide specific mineral ratios to optimize your chances of success. You can access these expert-backed recommendations in our Meal Plans, designed to help you achieve the right balance with confidence.


Need Help? If you have any questions about balancing minerals or how to use the Dominant Mineral information, feel free to reach out to us.

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