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Girl Diet - Boy Diet - Diet and Gender Swaying


Among the various factors considered, diet emerges with the strongest evidence for influencing a baby's gender. Here are the facts. 

Science behind Gender Swaying Diet - Girl Diet - Boy Diet - How to have a girl or boy through diet

The Compelling Science​

From all the factors researched concerning their impact on gender outcome, the most compelling evidence pertains to the mother's diet, specifically the intake of certain minerals. This body of evidence has been steadily accumulating over the past 100 years.


In the 1920s, scientist Curt Herbst observed something intriguing while studying marine worms known as Bonellia viridis. He noticed that when he increased potassium levels in the aquarium water, there was a significant rise in male offspring. This observation suggested a potential link between mineral intake and sex determination.

Inspired by Herbst's discovery, numerous animal and human studies over the years have bolstered the idea that maternal mineral intake can influence gender outcome.


Here are some pivotal findings from animal studies:


  • Mitra, Jayashree et al. (1989) found that restricting food or decreasing the sodium-potassium to calcium-magnesium ratio in female rats' diets before conception led to more female offspring.


  • Chandraju, S., et al. (2011) showed a clear correlation between the mineral content in the diet of mice and the secondary sex ratio of their offspring. Diets high in sodium and potassium promoted male offspring, while diets rich in calcium and magnesium led to more female offspring.


  • Abd Elraouf Oun et al. (2016) observed that rats fed diets with a focus on sodium and potassium ratios typically produced male offspring. Conversely, those fed with calcium and magnesium ratios leaned towards female offspring.


  • Ahmad R Alhimaidi et al. (2021) determined that changing the mineral percentage in the maternal diet of sheep influenced sex preselection, with more males born to the sodium and potassium diet group and more females to the calcium and magnesium diet group.


There have been similarly enlightening studies on humans:


  • In the 1970s and 1980s, pioneering studies consistently demonstrated that higher magnesium and calcium intake favored conceiving a girl, while increased potassium and sodium intake increased the likelihood of conceiving a boy, achieving success rates of 80%.


  • Following these studies, a French gynecologist, Dr. François Papa, established the first gender swaying clinic in Paris, France. He consulted numerous women, tailoring diets for them—magnesium and calcium for girls, and potassium and sodium for boys—resulting in reported success rates exceeding 80%. Conducting a comprehensive study involving 215 participants, Dr. Papa's focus on diet became evident. Notably, participants exclusively followed his prescribed diets, refraining from other gender swaying methods. The study emphasized a 70 to 80% success rate among those diligently adhering to the recommended diets. He published his approach in his book 'Boy or Girl? Choosing Your Child through Your Diet'.


  • In 1991, the renowned Austrian gynecologist Professor Feichtinger released a book titled "The Desired Child Diet", outlining dietary methods to influence the birth of a boy or girl, emphasizing high magnesium and calcium for girls and potassium and sodium for boys.


  • A 2008 study by Oxford researchers studying the pre-conceptional mineral intake of 740 women found that mothers with higher levels of sodium and potassium before conception were more likely to have boys.


  • An influential 2010 study highlighted the importance of both timing and diet, with diet being particularly significant. The study reported that while timing alone increased the chances of having a girl from 50% to 56%, the correct diet could boost it to over 73%.


  • A comprehensive 2016 study reported a 76% success rate for achieving the desired gender. It concluded that a diet favoring sodium and potassium would more likely result in males, whereas a diet rich in calcium and magnesium would favor females.


  • A recent 2022 study documented a remarkable success rate of over 80%, underscoring the potential link between maternal diet and gender outcome.


Given the robust evidence from these studies, it's evident that the minerals in a mother's diet can influence the gender of her child. Of all the factors being researched for their potential influence on gender outcome, maternal mineral intake has the most substantial scientific backing.


Magnesium, Calcium, Potassium and Sodium as key minerals in Gender Swaying

Mineral Magic

If you're intrigued by the relationship between diet and the potential to sway the gender of your future child, here are some tailored dietary adjustments based on the above scientific findings:


Sway for a Baby Girl: â€‹

High Magnesium & Calcium - Low Potassium & Sodium


Sway for a Baby Boy: 

​High Potassium & Sodium - Low Magnesium & Calcium


Note that it's not simply about the total amount of these minerals you consume, but the balance between them that truly matters. This can be particularly challenging for potassium and magnesium, as they frequently appear together in various foods. If you want to follow this approach, start adjusting your diet roughly 12 weeks before planning to conceive to allow your blood mineral levels to adjust. 


While most of the research has focused on the mother's diet, there's some emerging evidence hinting that the father's diet might also play a role, albeit to a lesser extent.


These dietary modifications will alter the concentrations of these minerals in the bloodstream. It's speculated that this results in changes that might be ionic, pH-driven, hormonal, or even related to specific proteins. These changes might then modify the cervical mucus properties or the oocyte itself, affecting which sperm—X or Y—is more likely to fertilize the egg.


While the scientific community continues to unravel the intricacies of this phenomenon, the overarching evidence underscores the influence of the minerals in the diet on baby gender. Building on this knowledge, we have crafted a detailed food guide, replete with quick references, meal plans, and recipes. Our aim is to assist you on your gender-swaying quest, ensuring you hit your mineral targets without compromising on nutrition.


Beyond the primary goal of increasing your odds of conceiving your preferred gender, embracing these guidelines can also help to elevate your fertility, enhance your general dietary habits, and prime your body for a healthy pregnancy ahead. 


The role of diet in Gender Swaying - how to have a girl, how to have a boy through gender sway

More Dietary Factors

Many studies have highlighted the connection between a mother's diet and the gender of her baby. The most compelling evidence is around the influence of specific minerals, which are central to the boy and girl diets in the Sway natural approach. Alongside these minerals, several other dietary factors have been shown to have associations with gender outcome:


Caloric Intake:

  • Data for individuals with a normal BMI suggests adjusting caloric intake can be a strategy, with a lower intake leaning towards a girl, and a higher intake for a boy.

  • Research from 2008, 2011, and 2003 indicates that women consuming more calories pre-pregnancy were more likely to have boys, and those consuming fewer calories were more likely to have girls.


Fat Intake and Dietary Composition:

  • A 2003 study indicates that a high-fat diet may favor the conception of boys, whereas a diet low in fat but high in carbohydrates might lean towards girls.

  • Animal studies have shown that feeding them specific types of fats, such as omega-3, omega-6, or omega-9 fatty acids, can influence gender outcomes.


Vegetarian and Vegan Diets:

  • A study from 2000 observed that vegetarian mothers had a higher likelihood of giving birth to girls. In this study, for every 100 girls born to vegetarian mothers, there were only 85 boys.


Acidity and Alkalinity in Diet:

  • A study from 1977 on rabbits suggested a connection between the pH levels of one's diet and the gender of the offspring. An alkaline-leaning diet may favor the conception of boys, while an acidic one may lean towards girls.

  • There's a notion suggesting that drinking alkaline water for a month before conception might influence the chances of having a boy. Consult the pH Chapter for more information.


General Nutritional Insights:

  • Malnutrition has been associated with a higher number of female births, potentially due to a reduced intake of potassium-rich fruits and vegetables. It's important to prioritize optimal nutrition for a healthy pregnancy.

  • Some research points to a connection between blood sugar levels and gender outcomes. Lowering blood sugar levels, for instance, could influence the gender of the offspring.

  • Studies have shown that women who had a nutrient-rich diet before pregnancy, including a variety of vitamins and trace elements, were more likely to give birth to boys. Even a daily caloric difference of 180 calories could influence the outcome.

  • Certain food additives are believed to have estrogenic effects, which might influence gender outcomes. For example, Propylgallate, found in some processed foods, and 4-Hexylresorcinol, used in seafood, are considered to have such effects.


Eat your Sway - Gender Swaying, Gender Sway Diet, Girl Diet, Boy Diet, Science

Eat Your Sway

The relationship between diet and gender outcome has long intrigued the scientific community and expectant parents. Our deep dive into existing research underscores the likely influence of specific minerals and other dietary components in swaying a baby's gender. At Sway natural, we've meticulously reviewed this evidence and collaborated with leading fertility dietitians. Building on this knowledge, we have crafted a detailed food guide, replete with quick food look up tool, meal plans, and recipes. Our aim is to assist you on your gender-swaying quest, ensuring you hit your mineral targets without compromising on nutrition.


Beyond the primary goal of increasing your odds of conceiving your preferred gender, embracing these guidelines can also help to elevate your fertility, enhance your general dietary habits, and prime your body for a healthy pregnancy ahead.


How to conceive a girl or boy in a nutshell

In a nutshell: Diet

All you need to know on the impact of diet on gender swaying, how to concieve a girl, how to concieve a boy


  • Minerals & Gender: The minerals in a mother's diet before conception likely influence her baby's gender

  • Sway Diets:

    • ​Girl: High Magnesium & Calcium, Low Potassium & Sodium

    • Boy: High Potassium & Sodium, Low Magnesium & Calcium

  • Balance Is Key: Achieving the right balance of minerals is critical and can be tricky due to minerals often co-existing in food items

  • Other Dietary Factors: Beyond minerals, elements like calories, vegetarian diets, and macro-nutrients are also believed to influence gender

  • Eat Your Sway: We consider all these factors in our meal plans, while elevating your fertility, encourage healthy eating habits, and prepare you for a healthy pregnancy

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